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Health & Wellness

“Improved quality of life and wellbeing for all”

Our health and wellness program focuses on improved access to physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing to individuals and communities from all walks of life. We promote preventive approach to health care over curative. A lifecycle approach (Add infographic) is followed to provide health and wellness starting from preconception to old age care.

Some of the core program components are

Mental Health

Emotional Resilience Building

Holistic Wellbeing

Education and Awareness building

Sexual and Reproductive Health

Food and Nutrition

Lifestyle Management

Mental Health

Emotional Resilience Building

Holistic Wellbeing

Education and Awareness building

Sexual and Reproductive Health

Food and Nutrition

Lifestyle Management

We have worked on extreme conditions to promote safety and wellbeing among fellow citizens during the Covid 19 Pandemic by initiating various campaigns on immunization, hygiene, masks and safety etc., 

We believe our holistic approach to wellbeing will help us promote better quality of life for all.

Sustainable Development Goals

Our Health and Wellness sector focuses on achieving targets of Sustainable Development Goal 3 

Projects undertaken and ongoing

Voice That Cares

The COVID-19 pandemic has created an environment of prolonged fear and uncertainty resulting in shared trauma and mental health issues across communities.  Ripples of Change Foundation, in collaboration with Heartfulness Institute (HFI), has launched a dedicated community support helpline “Voice That Cares (VTC)” to provide counselling services to the public.

Voice That Cares is a public helpline that provides psychosocial counselling support on a wide range of mental health matters including anxiety, fear, panic attacks, guilt, grief, loneliness, anger, exam stress, pandemic induced psychological issues, stigma, etc. We also provide first aid support for people with suicidal tendencies, depressive disorders, substance abuse, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and other mental health concerns.

Emotional Resilience Building

Mental Health awareness training is conducted to communities and targeted populations based on demand. Awareness programs focus on understanding mental health, common mental illness, signs and symptoms, coping strategies, addressing stigma, activities and grounding techniques. 

Emotional Resilience Building workshops are conducted for various National and International audiences to promote mental and emotional wellbeing among communities. Yoga and meditation techniques are taught to corporates, old age home inmates, youth and children to promote overall wellbeing of physical, mental and spiritual spheres.  

So far various events and workshops were conducted for Royal Psychologist Community – India and Pakistan, Wurth Information Technology Pvt Ltd, Enable India and other Corporate partners and staff. So far we have been able to reach 546 individuals through our online and offline workshops.

Emotional Resilience Building

Education and Awareness Building

Awareness about health and disease is the first step in empowering individuals and communities to practice healthy behaviours. The project aims to develop awareness and understanding within communities on one’s health by integrating physical, mental and spiritual well being components. Education is provided to different age groups based on the life cycle approach.

Health camps

As part of our outreach services we set up health camps in areas where communities have challenges in accessing health care services. The services cover a wide range of general, preventive and specialised health care that include distribution of medicines to spectacles based on the need. We collaborate extensively with Government programs and like-minded NGOs to ensure sustainability of the programmes.

Medical Camp

Geriatric Health and Rehabilitation

excercise for physical health

The Geriatric health and rehabilitation project works towards promoting healthy eating habits, exercise techniques and physiotherapy among older adults in the society and in Old age homes.

As a first phase 12 participants were introduced to various exercises that would help them to overcome their physical ailments

Food and Nutrition

Food is medicine is an important message we strive to spread among the communities we work. As part of the project various health and nutrition workshops are conducted for people belonging to all age groups on the importance of local food cultures and healthy eating habits that are good for the people and the planet.

Menstrual hygiene

Menstrual hygene

The Menstrual hygiene management workshops are conducted to adolescent girls and school going children to break stigma and taboo attached to the subject. 75 girls from Corporation School, Bangalore have benefitted from the program so far.

Divya Janani

The primary objective of the Divya Janani project is to achieve holistic wellbeing of mother and child by developing awareness among all family members on the importance of wellbeing from preconception to child care stage. Through a specially designed courseware of seven modules, Divya Janani program caters to a sensitive segment which helps in providing the newborn with a positive and loving atmosphere.

 The project works towards strengthening the Medical and Family Welfare Department and other existing systems set up by the government. We train and develop front line health care workers like ASHA, Anganwadi, Nurses etc who visit field locations and provide medical and health care services to Pregnant and lactating mothers, expecting couples living in remote geographies. 

So far the project has been introduced and piloted in 442 villages and 2300 Frontline health workers in Mehabubnagar District of Telangana State.


In the pursuit to encourage fit living, we are committed to promoting sports in rural India. Sports day & cricket tournament was organized by engaging the community actively in the whole process. 105 youths were mobilised in Kembaliganahalli village to support our activities.

Social Responsibility

Nutritional support orphanages & old age homes

Old Age home

ROCF is committed to promote healthy eating among communities to combat diseases and in addition to awareness workshops, we have provided nutritional support in the form of healthy meals to orphanages & old age homes benefiting more than 250 children and older people.

Distribution of medical equipment  

We are in the forefront of securing donations for the purchase and distribution of various equipment for medical testing such as  Haemoglobin, Blood sugar and COVID antibody testing machines/ kits for personal protection.

Some of the core program components are

COVID 19 Response

At the onset of the Global Pandemic, ROCF decided to stand with our distressed fellow countrymen, and actively participate in the national effort to support them at this difficult time through various National level relief work. We were also actively engaged in several initiatives for COVID Relief in the second wave of the Pandemic in India.

Breathe Safe and My Mask My Safety 

ROCF with support from various other NGOs and corporates conducted various N95 mask campaigns during the pandemic to ensure that frontline workers were protected. ROCF tried to ensure that the supplies of masks in large quantities reached the unreached, thereby supporting the efforts of state machinery in its efforts to curb the pandemic.

Covid mask distribution

Two Shots Are Our Best Shots

covid vaccine

With the intent of enabling 100% COVID-19 Vaccination, ROCF with support from individual donors undertook a vaccination drive in Bangalore city of Karnataka state. It was intended to encourage unvaccinated individuals to get vaccinated- ‘By protecting yourself, you protect others’. 627 Individuals got vaccinated in the drive. VOICE THAT CARES – Psycho-Social Counselling & Information Guidance /Support

O2 Breathe Life  

Lakhs of Indians had lost the battle against Covid-19 due to shortage of oxygen during the second wave of the pandemic. Amid this gloom and anguish, ROCF chipped in and procured Oxygen Concentrators to hospitals and public institutions to augment their capacity to help vulnerable patients.

O2 Breath Life

Covid Care Makeshift Facilities 

ROCF in collaboration with Heartfulness Institute, has set up 2 COVID Care Facilities with 150 beds capacity in Tamil Nadu as per laid norms by health authorities and recommendations of NDMA as it became critical to set up alternative care units to treat mild and moderate COVID-19 infected Patients.

“Safe Surfaces” Campaign

ROCF through its “Safe Surfaces” campaign donated Disinfectant Ovens to Government hospitals and police stations with support of Sattva and log 9 materials. Disinfectant Ovens, a portable UV disinfection chamber designed to disinfect the surfaces of various products/objects of regular use, thus preventing surface-to-human transmission of Covid19 causing virus.

Project Smile 

Project Smile by HP Indigo was an initiative where high quality smiling pictures of corona warriors are printed and stuck on the protective suits so that the patient and others can recognize the person easily. This simple action helped to comfort both the patents and the frontline warriors. ROCF successfully piloted this project in Jayanagar General Hospital in Bengaluru, Karnataka. Community Sensitisation on COVID-19 for General communities.

Humanitarian Aid

  • Distribution of Food Packs and ration supplies to vulnerable communities and migrant populations
  • Procurement of essential supplies/rations for old age homes
  • Community Sensitisation was done virtually on the theme of Building Resilience and Self-transformation in times of COVID-19 for institutions and corporate professionals to address the psycho-emotional challenges of the pandemic like stress, uncertainty, anxiety while building resilience through relaxation and heart-based meditation techniques
Food distribution

Activities and Recent Posts

Our Impact

Health Workers
Health Workers
Sharat Hegde

Nagesh Karuturi

Founder Director

A management professional with 24 years of experience in international leadership positions in India, Africa, South Asia, Europe, and the United Kingdom, graduated from India’s Symbiosis Institute of Business Management with an MBA in marketing. He has led teams of up to 6500 personnel and has executed top-notch processes for sales, operations, human resources, quality assurance, and auditing. He has led and carried out programs for vulnerable communities in India and Africa, focusing on education, economic empowerment, life skills, the environment, sanitation, healthcare, and nutrition. In 2011, the Lions Club International Foundation awarded him the Melvin Jones Fellowship for his humanitarian work, and in 2014, the Lions Club International President’s Certificate of Appreciation was given for his outstanding accomplishments in carrying out the organization’s mission.​